실행 가이드/조언

Step #1: Launch the mod and make sure no errors appear in its sub-launcher. Step #2: For Windows 10/F5 render mode, you need to set the following CS2 startup options in its properties in Steam: -w XXX -h YYY, where XXX is the width of your screen minus 1 and YYY is the height with a similar deduction. For example -w 1919 -h 1079. Step #3: Open CS:2 and press F3. NEVER press F3 (Or F5 for Windows 10 or cases when the first mode does not work) before starting the game or modification will NOT be launched and will NOT work. Step #4: If everything went smoothly, you will hear a beeping sound, characterising the successful launch of the mod. Step #5: Now the menu opens on the END button. For the proper display of the modification menu and WH/ESP the game rendering mode must be set to "Windowed" or "Fullscreen windowed"!

이 모드의 인기 기능

월핵, ESP, WH - 벽을 통해 적을 강조 표시


Bhop, 버니합 - 점프와 자동 스트레이프 도우미

설정과 LUA를 설치할 수 있나요? 그리고 어디에 넣어야 하나요?

구성 설치 경로: %HOMEDRIVE%\W1NNER_PW\CFG\FREE_CS2_EX. 수정을 위해 미리 만들어진 설정과 lua 스크립트를 설치하려면 수정 실행 버튼 근처에 있는 기어 버튼을 클릭하면 됩니다.

W1nnerFree - Kernel Wallhack & aimbot hack CS2 W1nnerFree - Kernel Wallhack & aimbot hack CS2 W1nnerFree - Kernel Wallhack & aimbot hack CS2